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The Difference Between Our Live Virtual vs. Online Learning Courses


It seems like overnight, an entirely new vocabulary appeared on the personal and professional development landscape. Technology and video connection have become the new norm, and the new dress code is pajama bottoms and a casual dress shirt.

Adaptability and Innovation are the New Norm!

Working remotely and online courses aren’t new to the 21st century. However, the current pandemic helped them become considerably more mainstream. Businesses have been faced with a decision: close or adapt. To remain open and relevant, companies had to learn to engage remote team members and clients through live online video interactions.

Help your company's leaders adapt with live virtual leadership training →

The #1 challenge Rapport has faced is that virtual and online learning have historically been BORING. Even our most loyal and enthusiastic graduates were skeptical.

Were we up for the challenge? Heck yes, and we weren’t going to settle for doing it "Goodnuf!"

So, we rolled up our sleeves to JFDI! We transformed our engaging immersive classes and onsite organizational performance classes into equally engaging, profound live virtual experiences for leadership skills. This way our students can become the best versions of themselves wherever they feel safe!

“Being that it was the first virtual training, I was skeptical that it would have the same impact as in person. I'm shocked at how effective this course was at helping us all breakthrough into a new version of ourselves.

There were many moments throughout the program that I completely forgot that I was looking into a computer screen. I felt like I was there with everyone in the same room.

The course did an excellent job of identifying and promoting the 'more' inside of me. It was completely rewarding and empowering. I would highly recommend anyone considering this course to just go for it. You will be happy that you did!

     - Shane, a Rapport student

What Are Rapport's Live Virtual Classes? 


Rapport’s virtual learning experiences, Leadership Breakthrough One and Power Communication, are facilitated on Zoom and are fully interactive (heart, body, and mind).  

Live virtual classes provide the opportunity to learn from any location where you have a computer, room to move around, and privacy to fully immerse yourself in the experience. These real-time, Master Trainer-led courses are two and a half days long and provide the same hands-on, interactive experience as our in-person classes … with no PPE or travel required! 

Leadership Breakthrough One

Imagine two and a half days devoted to stepping outside of your comfort zone, pushing past your perceived limitations, and taking the first step toward the life you want to live. Leadership Breakthrough One is designed to improve your relationships with your professional team, your family, your friends, and - most importantly - yourself. 

This live virtual class will break down your walls, increase your confidence, and teach you to live and work with ENTHUSIASM!

Power Communication

Communication is the most important skill you’ll ever learn. It will help you get ahead in your career and will make your personal life more fulfilling. Our live virtual Power Communication course will help you make the most of your interactions. You’ll learn how to build rapport quickly and find new ways to collaborate with others to achieve your goals. 

Power Communication will change the way you see and interact in the world. Givers Gain!

What Are Rapport's Online Learning Courses? 


Previously facilitated in-person, many of our organizational performance workshops have been fully reimagined. We are proud to introduce Rapport University, an online learning academy, where you will find some of our new and exciting online learning courses!

These blended learning experiences are based on the best practice of micro-learning activities. Online learning courses are self-paced, with bite-size portions of videos, engaging and interactive lessons, quizzes, articles, assignments, and weekly Zoom calls with peers across North America.  

This flexible format allows you to learn wherever you want and whenever you want! If you need the freedom to learn before and after work, on your lunch break, or any time that works with your schedule, these self-paced, online learning courses are the perfect option.

Front-line Leader Series

Front-line leaders are what drive a company forward, and the stronger they are, the stronger your company will be. The seven-course Front-Line Leader online learning program is designed for supervisors, first-time managers, mid-level managers, and those who have no direct reports or authority, yet find themselves responsible for other’s work. This series includes seven four-week online courses.

The Front-Line Leader Series will help you or your employees gain the confidence to be a powerfully skilled and influential leader. You must change your approach to change your results!


Leadership Breakthrough One gave you the skills to approach life with passion, zest, and the mindset that everything is an opportunity for growth. As you face new challenges in this ever-changing climate, you get to tap into the skills you learned and Adapt! 

Adapt is a 28-day guided journey of online learning where you’ll have the support of Rapport Master Trainers and fellow Rapport graduates. You’ll refresh what you learned in LB1, reframe the mindsets that have changed since your training, identify your current blocks, and own your world!

Rapport Can Help You Reach Your Highest Potential 

Strong leaders are more important now than ever, and there has never been a better time to invest in your future (and the future of your company). When you embrace a live virtual class or an online learning course from Rapport, you accelerate your growth and begin to live the life you always imagined!

Check out our leadership course offerings today, because you are strong, you are powerful, and YOU ARE A LEADER!

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